Saturday, February 09, 2002

There is no greater privilege than being asked to give a talk in a fellowship group. I had such an opportunity in Alpha last night on Hebrews 10:19-25. THeir emphasis was on fellowship and encouragement.
I have to admit that I was feeling the pressure because it's becoming increasingly more difficult to get through to high schoolers. That, plus the fact that the number of years that I've been out of high school seems to be growing exponentially, just made me more nervous. I mean, I wanted to give a talk that had its funny moments and its cool moments while still being able to deliver God's message. And after writing it all up and reading it over a few times, I felt pretty bad about it. It just didn't have funny moments, cool thoughts, and I wasn't even sure whether it was delivering God's message.
And when I got there, it finally donned upon me that maybe I wouldn't have enough time to say everything I wanted to say. And to make matters worse, the MC decided to have an ice breaker! I was demoralized. Now what was I going to do?
Then, God saved the day like He always does.
See, I had planned to have them use spaghetti and marshallows to create the tallest structure possible to show them how teamwork and encouragement helps build the best strucuture. And guess what the ice breaker was? It had them using paper to ... build the tallest structure possible. How amazing is that?
I was amazed. It's weird that even though I know God can do all things, and yet He still manages to amaze me.
The rest of the talk was cake. I said pretty much everything I wanted to say and felt that God had used me to reach out of the Alpha kids. Hopefully, they will turn the talk into action - to spur one another on, to encourage each other, and to not give up meeting together.
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