Sunday, November 18, 2001

So much to report, so little time that I have to use bullet points:
* Friday was the last day for one of my co-workers Nafisa. She's now off on maternity leave as her due date is in three weeks. She's still thin, except for the basketball she's carrying (it really looks like a basketball). During the lunchtime potluck, I was caught off guard when a video camera was suddenly put in my face as I was asked to say a meaningful message for her. I had NO IDEA what to say to a women about to have her baby, so I said, "Hey, have a good one!" Sometimes, I can be so dumb.
* While at Jesse and Tammy's after Koinonia, I had a great time singing U2 songs with Danette and Michael, as Danette played the guitar. U2 songs are so good, that they still sound good, even though they're not singing it. Hmm ... maybe it helped that I was singing with Danette (we all know she's got a beautiful voice) and Michael (the best kept secret for best male voice at CEFC).
* Also that night, Michael asked me what I was passionate about. I really, struggled with this question, to the point where I stalled for over 5 minutes before answering, "I'm passionate about being me. I have high expectations for myself and responsiblities that I have to fulfill and I'm passionate about fullfilling those responsibilities and meeting those expectations." Jesse summed it up as "duty." And after the three of us guys having the obligatory male "duty" as "doo-dy" joke (Jesse says, "Hey, I do my 'duty' every morning!"), I agreed with the assessment and realized that I'm just a guy who will show up and do the job.
* While watching USC destroy UCLA in football 27-0 on Saturday, Pastor Rich and I as Bruin Alum were feeling very defeated. And that's when Pastor Rich said the funniest thing I have ever heard him say: "Now I know the Taliban feel like."
* Maybe it's the lingering effects of Sept 11, but I'm so excited to rekindle my love-fest with what is familiar in pop culture and/or what was popular during my childhood. In addition to listening to more Michael Jackson, watching an old tape of Family Ties episodes I taped, and thumbing through old Sports Illustrated magazines (including when Michigan's Chris Webber called TO when he didn't have one), I was so happy to watch Rocky on TV last night. Never have hearing the screaming of the name "Aaaaadrian!!!!!" and seeing the image of a struggling boxer climb to the top of those famous Philadelphia steps been more comforting and reassuring.
* It was bittersweet that only after I dropped Karena off at home for the evening, did I see the meteor shower from my car's moon roof while listening to Steven Curtis Chapman's His Eyes sing, "Sometimes I look above me/While stars are shining/And I feel so small/ How could the God of Heaven and all Creation know I'm here at all?/But then, in the silence He whispers/"My son, I created you too/And you're my most precious creation/I even gave My Son for you." It was a beautiful moment.
* We welcomed our new pastors Clive Chin and Spark Gao (who is a dead ringer for Greg Go, by the way) today before our membership meeting. The meeting was a sleeper, but still it was necessary to elect new leaders for the board. And man can our Chairman Joseph Tong run a meeting! That guy's rough exterior is striking, yet funny, and yet also very effective in moving a meeting along.

Well, there's more, but that's all I can think of for now. Stay tuned for more tomorrow ... same bat time ... same bat channel.
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