Saturday, November 24, 2001

For the first time in my life, I spent a part of Thanksgiving with another family. At first, it was really difficult because always has her help in the kitchen to prep and to keep her friends and my cousins entertained when they start arriving. But everything worked out because Karena and I first when with her family to her aunt's house. The food was standard, but excellent. Especially notable was the turkey, sliced neatly and white and dark meat separated and the champagne. But even more excellent were Karena's aunt Eva and uncle Sherman. Their house, in the hills of La Canada, had been done and redone to give the house a very distinguished look including expensive paintings hanging on the walls, beautiful furniture, and a fountain in the backyard. This is a house people dream of, but one that could also mke its owners cold and greedy. This could not be further from the truth with Aunt Eva and Uncle Sherman. They're both very friendly, down-to-earth, supportive, fun-loving Christians who know how to host a party, keep a family together, and enjoy life in all circumstances. And as with practically ever party we go to nowadays, Karena and I got a PT request - we looked at Uncle Sherman's back, which began to feel better by the time we left. PT is cool!
We went to my house and ate more (yes!) and made gingerbread houses with my cousins. After intense voting where Jonathan tried to influence the judges "That house over there may not be mine, but look at the intricate detail. That's amazing. And Uncle Francis, let me say that you are a handsome man!" But in the end, his persuasion, and Tammy's attempts to bring order to my chaotic (and non-symmetrical) design went for naught because Allison and Karena were the big winners.
And after a night where we went to two dinners and had the privilege to sit down to give thanks with two wonderful families, I realized that Karena and I were actually the big winners.
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