Wednesday, November 21, 2001

President Bush has the State of the Union, Gov. Davis has the State of the State, and I have the ... State of the Aparment address?!?
I has now been about nine months since I moved into my place in Palms (actually Cheviot Hills at National and Manning). Now, it's time to survey what's been good amongst what's been bad.
First, there's the leaky kitchen sink that flows like there's no tomorrow. But I just call that the fung shui of my apartment.
There's the bathroom door that won't close unless you shove it ... hard. But at least you know when someone's going into the bathroom.
There's the bedroom window that slides off the hinges all the time so I have to open and close it very carefully. But at least it teaches me patience.
There's the refrigerator that keeps items on the top shelf much cooler than items on the bottom shelf. If I go home for the weekend, I have to move everything to the top shelf. But at least I keeps me organized.
There's the sliding glass door that has the screen door on the outside so that I have to open the sliding glass door just to shut the screen door. But at least it keeps me about priorities.
There's the TV antennae connection that changes with each passing day so that I have to move the cord around every which way of every day or stand there holding it sometimes. But at least I'm learning valuable scientific lessons about how my body can act as an antennae.
Think my place sounds ghetto and owned by a slumlord. Truthfully, it has its flaws, but its not that bad. Besides, it shows that it and its inhabitant have some character.
And besides, it's still home to me.
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