Sunday, November 11, 2001

I have come down with a slight cold this week that has left me with a few symptoms that I just can't stand. First off, I have a stuffy nose that runs only when I don't want it to. It runs only when I am using both hands to hold a patient up and can only manage to keep it all in by sniffing really, really hard. It's the worst feeling and so gross. And yet, I know all of you have done it.
And last night at Jesse and Tammy's, I felt so stuffed up that my face felt full. That, plus my contacts were dirty so my both my face and eyes were all red. I went to the bathroom a few times to check on my contact - including one time when I went to mess with it and it fell out and almost down the drain! I barely caught it before its journey into the Monterey Park sewer system. But putting it back in my eye only irritated it more.
And finally, today while I was in service, I had a sudden cough attack during a serious moment where it was VERY quiet. So naturally, I tried to hold my cough in. You know what I mean. You try to suppress it, but that just turns your face red and you get all sweaty and your eyes get watery. And the worse part is that you sometimes still can't hold it all in and this little whimper of a cough, combined with a sneeze sounding thing happens. That's so embarassing. Luckily for me, I managed to avoid that this time around.
Needless, to say, I think having a cold sucks.
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