Wednesday, October 24, 2001

This will be my last entry before I take off for my New York weekend. I leave Thursday night after work and don't come back until Tuesday late afternoon. So, obviously this page will be on hold until then ... unless of course, I get a hold of a computer with internet access!
I found out that we gain an hour this Saturday for daylight's saving time. Usually, I'm bummed about this because even though you gain an hour (I usually spend it sleeping), you realize that summer is really over and that it'll be dark outside by 5:15pm. Sad. That means I'll be driving home in the dark after work. Plus, it means I have to go through the trouble of changing all the clocks in my apartment, but also the clocks in my room at home. And it's not like you can just hit the "hour" button one time like you do in the springtime to "fall forward." Instead, you have to go all the way around until you're an hour behind. I don't think there's anything more annoying than that. Hmm, maybe that's where I spend my extra hour - adjusting all the clocks.
But this time around, I'm so happy because that means we get an extra hour free to live it up in the NYC. That'll give me time to do accomplish some of the goals I have for this trip, including:
1. Buy a "Rolexx" watch from a street vendor wearing a trenchcoat.
2. Eat some real New York style pizza and bagels.
3. Visit Ground Zero where the WTC once stood.
4. Play some tunes on my guitar in the subway to get some extra change.
5. Look for Felicity, the Friends gang, Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Clinton, Conan O'Brien.
6. Avoid Rosie O'Donnell (Karena wants to go see a taping of her show).

Ahh, this trip is going to be great. Thank goodness for the extra hour. Now, I just might be able to squeeze everything in.
Song blasting from my car: U2's "New York," of course!!!
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